For everyone, who wants more
Only a customer who has made at least one purchase in one of our stores or through the e-shop can register. You will need a receipt that is no more than 7 days old.
What are the benefits of club membership?
One step further...
Vermont VIP Voucher
Enable you to receive a discount of up to 50% off standard prices, even before the start of official sales.
Registered members of the VERMONT Club who collect enough status points receive the so-called VERMONT Status, which is the imaginary pinnacle of our loyalty program. Customers with VERMONT Status can use the Payback benefit.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Our Stores
GANT Store Mammut
GANT Man Store MOM Park
GANT Woman Store MOM Park
GANT Store Arena Mall

GANT Store Rózsakert